Putting you truth into action is a lifelong journey because you truth is always changing.
Having said that, you must, as soon a possible, begin setting boundaries about what you wish to believe about the things outside of your control and the definite boundaries you need to set that protect ‘you’.
Relationships grow, needs shift.
As for your identity ? Well its the very bedrock of who you are and what you are protecting.
At the same time flexibility is called for accommodate the climates of change that will forever be transforming this part of who you are.
There will alway be a time when you find yourself challenged by confrontation.
In those moments, its time to protect the fiercely empowering truth of these boundaries you set, to protect the vibrant inner self that you must know well and respect hugely..
Remember that your journey may not be linear.
Remember the progress you’ve made so far.
Most importantly, remember to have patience and compassion for your inner- self.
It is will become brave and fearless when it exposes itself to the elements, and risks being seen, known, and loved by yourself and by others.
Be kind always
Love Elizabeth x
Decide on your boundaries, journal them and remember to respect them always xx