Throughout the natural course of our personal development. there will occasions that will allow us to progressively open up most of the Chakras that reside within the body.
These unique centres of energy process vibrational energy on very special frequencies
There are seven major ones:
Root Chakra - Red -When you feel grounded and safe, you feel like you belong and are able to be a more responsible partner.
Sacral Chakra- Orange- When balanced, your creativity and sexuality are free-flowing, and you are able to be a more romantic partner.
Solar Plexus Chakra- Yellow- With your personal power chakra balanced and your self-love in place, you will feel the confidence necessary to find and win your soul mate.
Heart Chakra -Green - Love and compassion, the keynotes of a balanced Heart Chakra, will help you retain your relationships, through better or worse.
Throat Chakra - Blue- With the ability to speak your truth about your needs and wants, your relationships will be more harmonious and fulfilling.
Third Eye Chakra - IndigoAs you increase your intuition, you will have a closer bond, not only to your higher self, but to your loved ones.
Crown Chakra - Purple- As you channel the divine love of the universe, you will be better able to act from a place of love in all areas of your life.
The chakras are the power masters and centre of the human and animal functioning of the emotional, spiritual and physical.
The measure of how healthy our chakras are, solely depends on how each of us develops our awareness of she-care and self-love.
This depends a great deal on the development of our ability to communicate from the heart.
To extend ourselves to a point that we can express our feelings and ideas openly without fear or guilt is extremely important.
Fear stops many of us from expressing ourselves openly.
We also have a bad habit of stopping people from expressing themselves, by telling them we don’t believe ( or think to) about what they are saying.
It does not cost anything to listen, and I do mean listen. Not teetering on the verge of blurting your own thoughts.
Respect is called for here.
Because we are aspiring towards a higher, deeper meaning of our remarkable lives, yes even you, we must be vigilant through the process of our days.
When we are traumatised through one event or another, and allow ourselves to hold on to those traumas for too long, the experiences will hold us back from our soul’s journey, and the growth needed to allow the natural flow of life to manifest itself.
Each of the seven major chakras has its own special emotion and spiritual wisdom to learn.
The degree to how successful we are in dealing with our life lessons, built-in to in each chakra and organ, will determine the subtle-energy flow from that chakra and how it is affected.
There is a certain energy - flow required though the chakras, that allows us to remain healthy.
Be in no doubt our emotional state is the cause of ALL ill health. Even the breaking of a leg is caused from emotional imbalance.
The lack of this flow may manifest as degenerative, destructive, cancerous lesions and other illnesses, a direct result of ignoring our emotional state and peace of mind.
For this to work there must be harmony in the body - to maintain a state of serenity.
Apart from myself, I have colleagues doing this is work all over Australia and the world.
Please do not hesitate to enquire.
Love Elizabeth x
None of us are saints - but that does not mean we can’t grow spiritually.