With all the adversity youI've had in your life, and of all your troubles and obstacles, just keep one thing in mind, they have been presented to strengthen you.
Each time you overcome a challenge, it will lift you up, build your strength and make it easier for you to overcome your next trial. But if you surrender to the challenge, it will reduce your power, break your confidence and make it harder for you to overcome the next challenge.
Obstacles come harder and faster until we face each one of them with the determination to overcome.
If you are suffering in your current life but don’t think you deserve a better one, then you will keep living in the suffocating situation. To breathe new air, you need to step out of yourself. Once you make the first courageous step, then adding a few more steps is not so hard.
And the sooner you face them the sooner you can leave behind the things that have held you back.
There are many events that will occur in your life, in fact at times you'll feel like you've been shredded to a pulp. When these moment happen, you get to have a real look at what you’re made of.
So what will be revealed when you’re exposed?
Obstacles are put in front of you to challenge you to force you to make decisions, especially the distressing ones. They are the lessons that disclose the parts within you that need fine-tuning, the one’s you put down in your blueprint to be challenged by.
Yes, you did do that !
You chose them to help identify the things that previously inhibited your Soul’s growth.
The timing of them comes in accordance with how you have faced previous obstacles. they show you what needs fixing. Don't be frightened to accept them, after all you asked for them.
Be courageous and learn from them, get past them and move forward.. because you still have so much to enjoy in your life.
We are not born remembering everything.We have to start again and forge our way through the jungle of life using our wits and self- belief.