There comes a time when the mind takes a higher plane of knowledge but can never prove how it got there - Albert Einstein
Our mind is a complicated and fascinating channel of information. Capable of thinking many things, remembering many things and yet also having imaginary memories of what is and isn’t real.
The unaware part of our unconscious mind is a place that holds true beliefs.
We are not consciously acquainted with these thoughts on a daily basis.
Our conscious mind is our current awareness. Our pre-conscious mind is the recall button to remember things. Our unconscious mind, our sub-conscious, our higher-self, titles different people call this part of who we are, is the place we go to in a regression/hypnosis.
In capable hands a regression/hypnosis is a valuable experience. There are many myths regarding this kind of work and those, humorous television shows haven’t done much to dampen the rumour that a person is not in control of their actions and therefore becomes afraid of the very thought.
This is so far from the truth.
In fact you are more in control of yourself that you are in a normal awakened state. You cannot be made to say or do anything against your will. You have full authority over everything the happens and can open your eyes in any one moment. And you can never be regressed/hypnotised without your full consent.
You can never be stuck in the past, nor can you never not waken to full consciousness. Naturally if you have been resting in a deep state of relaxation you may lie there a while to feel fully present, but that is as far as it goes. In fact you’ll be fully awake and refreshed, feeling light all over.
There was an article written ny Alfred A. Barrios PhD, published after a survey was done of psychtheraot literature entitled Hypnotherapy and it read as follows.
Psychoanalysis 38% recovery after 600 sessions
Behaviour Therapy 72% recovery after 22 sessions
Hypnosis 93% recovery after 6 sessions
From my own experience as a practitioner, I’d go so far as to say 95% recovery after 2 sessions
I have regressed hundreds of people and have never seen any ill effects from this kind of work. It is absolutely safe.
There is no evidence that regression/hypnosis diminishes free-will, harms the nervous system or in anyway adversely affects the mental, spiritual and physical well-being of a mortal human being.
The value of regression/hypnosis is limitless.
Personal growth. Health. Relationship and Sexuality. Overcoming fears. Past Lives. Anxiety. Sports performance. Professional growth. Managing pain. Overcoming grief . Ridding the burden of bias and lack self-love and so on.
So to sum up, the fundamental foundation of this work is to help you understand who you are and to gain a better control over your self. Your emotional. mental, spiritual, physical amazing self.
Generally we hold onto traumatic events that have happened to us. Before treatment people usually have a difficult time sleeping and tend to focus on the past event and so remain in a self-induced state of emotional imbalance. After treatment it is not uncommon to feel like a new person, no longer having those crippling thoughts and even though one can remember the event in the back of their mind, it’s more about moving on and being able to handle life with ease.
Who on this Earth doesn’t what to feel free, balanced and able to function in a down-to-earth, capable and effective manner.
Regression/ Hypnosis effectively helps the individual to help themselves.
In joy and light
Elizabeth 🙏🏽
Elizabeth Wey MHs.B
Founder - Essence of Healing
MCMA Training Provider
Author Earth - The Toughest Boot Camp in the Universe
Phone: 0488 443 615 (+61 488443615 International )
Facebook: Essence of Healing
Facebook: Elizabeth
Instagram: essence_of_healing
Everything begins and ends with the self.