Angel are the interface between the physical and spiritual worlds.
They are beings who are on a higher, different vibrations to human beings,
Think of them as Angels that are like human beings, but without a body.
This helps to understand these beautiful celestial beings.
The difference between Angels and human beings is that human beings have ego, which makes us unique.
Communication with Spirit is important for us, to feel there is more than just the overwhelming challenges that face us in Earth daily.
We are looked over and deeply loved.
If you can stay open minded about the presence of Angels and other spiritual beings not visible to our physical senses, you’ll be surprised by the things that begin to happen in your world.
We each have a Guardian Angel/Spiritual Guide who supports us with unconditional love.
.The messages you can receive from them provides you with an inner sense or feeling that confirms something is true.
Yesterday a new student of mine met her Guide. The Guides name is Christine and sacred a lifetime with my student in 1056 in Jerusalem , at that time her name was Rebecca and she along with Christine who was her mother were healers. The channel I opened for Christine to speak was simply amazing and left the student filled with love and goose-bumps.
To meet your Guide/ Guardian Angel is a personal experience.
Even though we want to shout it out to the world, remember that we do not need to convince others of our experience.
It is my greatest hope that everyone has their own experience of meeting an angelic beings of of this magnificent universe.
Love Elizabeth x
“Her angel's face, As the great eye of heaven shined bright, And made a sunshine in the shady place”…. Edmund Spenser